Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Boss Line

"With all you coughin' and me watchin' so TB wouldn't take you off and if you was sleeping quiet I thought, O Lord, they dead and put my hand over your mouth to feel if the breath was comin' what you talkin' 'bout  did I love you girl I stayed alive for you"
     This is the boss line because it shows despite everything she shows on the outside, and despite what she did to Plum, Eva did love her children.  I think she still loves them because she is still living and she still takes care of them.  Right after this Eva proves her love in a more dramatic way.  When she sees Hannah burning she jumps out of the window in an attempt to save her.  This shows that she loves her children even though she doesn't express it every day.

1 comment:

  1. I agree wiht you that Sula loved her children. And I also think that she killed Plum as an act of love. What I do wonder though is whether or not she jumped out of the window because she loved Hannah, or because she had to prove that she loved her. I Find it curious that Eva believes that Sula watched Hannah burned because it was interesting. Maybe this was the way she was feeling before she jumped out of the window. I also wonder if Eva ever loved Sula. What do you think?
